468 research outputs found

    A Universidade de Lisboa em números - 2006

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    Contém: Ensino de graduação. – p. 9; Formação pós-graduada. – p. 23; Total de alunos. – p. 29; Número de professores por número de alunos. – p. 30; Agregações. – p. 30; Investigação. – p. 31; Convénios. – p. 33; Cooperação no âmbito da União Europeia para mobilidade de estudantes. – p. 38; Avaliação externa. – p. 43; SIBUL (Sistema Integrado das Bibliotecas da UL). – p. 44; Recursos humanos. – p. 49; Recursos financeiros. – p. 55; Recursos físicos existentes. – p. 63; Acção social. – p. 6

    A Universidade de Lisboa em números - 2004

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    Contém: Ensino de graduação. – p. 9; Formação de pós-licenciatura. – p. 13; Total de alunos inscritos. – p. 16; Agregações. – p. 17; Investigação. – p. 18; Cooperação no âmbito da União Europeia para mobilidade de estudantes. – p. 20; Recursos humanos. – p. 22; Recursos financeiros. – p. 28; Recursos físicos existentes em 2004. – p. 32; Acção social. – p. 3

    Foreign Researchers’ Support Guide

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    Contém: Living in Portugal. – p. 3; Research in Portugal. – p. 21; Useful information. – p. 2

    Has long become longer or short become shorter? Evidence from a censored quantile regression analysis of the changes in the distribution of U.S. unemployment duration

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    There is conflicting evidence regarding the recent evolution of unemployment duration in the U.S. In this study we rely on censored quantile regression methods to analyze the changes in the US unemployment duration distribution. We employed the decomposition method proposed by Machado and Mata (2003) to disentangle the contribution of the changes generated by the covariate distribution and by the conditional distribution and adapted it to a duration analysis framework.The data used in this inquiry are taken from the nationally representative Displaced Worker Survey of 1988 and 1998. We provide evidence that the unemployment duration distribution shifted leftward. The main driving force behind that shift was the sharp leftward move in the unemployment rate distribution. This force was partially counteracted by the ageing of the displaced population, the striking absence of impact from being displaced via a plant shutdown, and the higher sensitivity of unemployment duration to unemployment ratesQuantile Regression, Duration Analysis, Unemployment Duration, Counterfactual Decomposition

    Massa crítica 2 : a Universidade de Lisboa presta contas

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    Contém: Mensagem do Reitor / António Sampaio da Nóvoa. - p.9; Cursos, Estudantes e Diplomados. - p.11; Orçamento da Universidade - p.13; Acção social e Bolsas - p.15; Estratégia da Universidade de Lisboa 2008›2011 - p.17; Missão e Visão - p.19; Eixos de Mudança - p.21-31; Áreas Estratégicas - p.33; Unidades Orgânicas da Universidade de Lisboa - p.35; Órgãos da Universidade - p.37; Membros do Conselho Geral eleitos - p.39; Prémio Universidade de Lisboa - p.41; Universidades Públicas de Lisboa – Memorando de Entendimento e Redes Internacionais - p.4

    International Workshop - 22/24 March 2002 - University ofWarwick

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    The workshop focused on three main issues that both academics and policymakers are facing at national and European level. These issues are: • Stage offormation of immigrant communities • Development of integration policies • The debate on citizenshi

    The Lisbon Civic Fórum: GROWTH AND JOBS

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    The Lisbon Civic Forum (LCF) for growth and Jobs was founded in Lisbon in February 2005 by a small group of distinguished scholars and professionals from several old as well as new EU member States. It aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and opinions between academics, policymakers, diplomats, joumalists and practitioners. It will also serve as a forum for an intense dialogue with civil societies in Europe

    VII Reunião internacional do « RÉSEAU PGV »:La Construction Européenne Modes de Développement et Partenaires

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    A rede dos países do Grupo de Visegrád -que no ano anterior reuniu em Portugal na Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa -realizou este ano a sua VII Conferência em Banska Bystrica, na Eslováquia. No quadro do seu objectivo de cooperação científica europeia com base num programa de reestruturação económica da Polónia, Hungria, Eslováquia, República Checa, Roménia e Bulgária, o Grupo ocupou-se, este ano, das questões do Alargamento da União Europeia a Leste focado na perspectiva dos países candidatos à integração naquela Comunidade

    Market Penetration and Late Entry in Mobile Telephony

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    We consider some two dynamic models of entry in mobile telephony, with and without strategic pricing, and taking into account market penetration at entry, locked-in consumers and tariff-mediated network externalities. We show that on/off-net differentials may reduce the possibility of entry if incumbents are large, while they have no long-run effects if there are no locked-in consumers, or reduce the difference in subscriber numbers in their presence. Asymmetric fixedto- mobile or mobile-to-mobile termination rates increase (decrease) market share and profit of the network with the higher (lower) rate. While the fixed-to-mobile waterbed effect is not full at the network level, it will be full in the aggregate

    Incentives to Invest and to Give Access to Non-Regulated Next Generation Networks

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    We analyze the incentives of a telecommunications incumbent to invest and give access to a downstream entrant to a next generation network, NGN. We model the industry as a duopoly, where a vertically integrated incumbent and a downstream entrant, that requires access to the incumbent's network, compete on Hotelling's line. The incumbent can invest in the deployment of a NGN that improves the quality of the retail services. Access to the old network is regulated, but access to the NGN is not. If the innovation is drastic, the incumbent always invests in the NGN, but does not give access to the entrant. If the innovation is non-drastic and if the access price to the old network is low, the incumbent voluntarily gives access to the NGN. If the innovation is non-drastic, there is no monotonic relation between the access price to the old network and the incumbent's incentives to invest. A regulatory moratorium emerges as socially optimal, if the innovation is large but non-drastic. We also analyze the case where both rms can invest in the deployment of a NGN